Football And Gender Exhibition

Fazendo Gênero 13, que ocorrerá de 29/07/2024 a 02/08/2024, em Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, SC

This year, two parallel exhibitions will also be held jointly on the theme of football. The objective of these exhibitions is to present the audiovisual and photographic production of researchers from the National Institute of Science and Technology – Brazilian Football Studies (INCT Futebol), created in 2023, and to provide visibility for other important productions, both nationally and internationally, to consider football as a fruitful field of study and research. 

Link to INCT – Futebol:

This initiative is a collaboration between INCT-Futebol, NAVI, and Fazendo Gênero.

Quem Somos | Inctfutebol    Marca CNPq - Portal Memória          NAVI     Instituto de Estudos de Gênero     Sistema de Identidade Visual da UFSC